You're...the best partner


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from now on.. >


info! : minor, isfj , 6w5, poc

likes ;
prsk, bandori, rhythm/idol games, hxh, csm, saiki, wep, no6, jjk, madoka , cats, une, tbhk, sk8, higurashi AOYAGI TOYA , coffee , cookies , akitoya
dni ;
basic dni, __ genshin fans__, dsmp fans, __m/f vbs shippers. __ , ppl who make fun of me for my interests

lots of unfiltered cursing, might come off as mean ( i don’t mean it ) , will tag kins as myself sometimes, bad with wording make kys/kms jokes , i talk ab my fav ships a lot like a LOT.. ( akitoya , anhane )

kins! : TOYA !!! just like me fr, ena , an
music mitski, mafumafu, eve, twice, giga, harumakigohan, honeyworks, neru, kanaria, tyler the creator, kairiki bear, iyowa vbsabt me! ; aroace lesbian she/her cis , kind of a hater 😭friends :3 : adair , pepper , june , delt , riley , anthy , rei , star , sno , amy , chu , cherry , eli , safa , kyo (I LOVE YOU GUYS _)